Spiritual Roots of sickness


1.  nephros, a kidney (nephritis, etc.), is used metaphorically of the will and the affections. The feelings and emotions were regarded as having their seat in the kidneys.

2.  kidneys and loins, nephros - kidneys, loins - waist - heart - mind, pierced within or inward parts.

                                                                                 DEFINITION OF KIDNEY

To the Hebrews, the kidneys, because of their sensitivity, were believed to be the seat of desire. Scripture contains many eloquent assays referring to this. When a man suffers deep within himself, he is pierced within; when he rejoices, it is within his inmost being; and when he earnestly longs, his heart faints within. The kidneys also seem to provide knowledge and understanding where THE WORD is rendered mind. Job complains that God has split his kidneys open.

                                                                                   DEFINITION OF LOINS

Ancient people commonly used loins figuratively for the center of emotions such as pain or terror. It is used by euphemism for the reproductive power. The loins were especially dressed with sackcloth symbolizing a mourning heart.

Loins is used in the natural sense as the seat of generative power, metaphorically of girding the loins in readiness for active service for the Lord with truth. Bracing up oneself so as to maintain perfect sincerity and reality as the counteractive in Christian character against hypocrisy and falsehood; of girding the loins of the mind, suggestive of the alertness necessary for sobriety and for setting one's hope perfectly on the grace to be brought at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

                                                                                   EFFECT ON THE BODY

In the above biblical definitions of reins, kidney and loins you can see the importance of various effects on the body: will and affections, feelings and emotions, heart and mind, pierced within or inward parts, sensitivity, seat of desire, suffers deep within, pierced within; within inmost being; earnestly longs, heart faints within, knowledge and understanding, mind, center of emotions, pain or terror, reproductive power, mourning heart, seat of generative power, and hypocrisy and falsehood.

From these effects come diseases of the body and soul (mind, will and emotions). You can see how your thoughts can affect your being mentally, physically and spiritually.


Kidney failure is a very difficult area to work in. I have found little in the medical or Christian literature about healing of kidneys when they fail. You can go on dialysis or have a kidney transplant but this does not heal the kidneys, it only maintains life. There are side affects associated with these methods of treatment. I am not aware of anyone who has been healed supernaturally, when the kidneys failed completely, by the prayer of faith and/or the casting out of demons.

It only takes 25% of one kidney to maintain life. Less than 25% results in death unless one of the two treatments is used. The accumulated toxins and fluid in the body kill the body.

If the kidneys have not failed completely, there is more possibility of being healed. This may take the form of diet and/or alternative medicine, pharmaceutical medicine and/or operation, anointing with oil and/or the casting out of demons or some combination of these methods.

                                                                                  SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES

The teaching contained in this lesson could be applied to other diseases. The principles are the same but the individuals are different and have different diseases. Each person is unique with unique problems. Each person needs to be ministered to as an individual given special attention.

                                                                                    SPIRIT - SOUL - BODY

We are a tripartite being composed of a body which contains the soul and spirit. When we die our spirit and soul will go to be with THE LORD. To be in complete health, you must take care of these three parts. You can not neglect any one of these and be in health. The spirit comes from GOD and will go back to GOD. Your soul is your mind, will and emotions, and all that they contain. Your body is the physical part which contains your brain where the soul resides.

To take care of the spirit requires first becoming a Christian and then following THE HOLY SPIRIT in living a holy life free of sin. To take care of the soul requires training the brain how to follow GOD and THE HOLY BIBLE and then disciplining your body. To take care of the body requires proper use of the body and feeding the body with proper food.

A lot can be said about taking care of the body. THE BIBLE has dietary laws which are worth studying. Are you feeding your body with healthy food and drink? Are you exercising and using the body correctly in areas of sex and other areas? For instance, THE BIBLE forbids the eating of blood. What effect could eating blood have on the person: mentally, physically or spiritually?

                                                                                           SIN'S EFFECTS

THE BIBLE teaches that if you sin it will affect your body. Many times the cause and effect is clearly presented. For instance, consider the occult, witchcraft or Satan worship. These will affect your spirit, soul and body here on earth and eventually send you to Hell. If you repent over THE SCRIPTURES for some particular part of your body, you may be healed.

                                                                                    SPIRITUAL WARFARE

We are in a life and death battle with the forces of Satan. It is necessary not only to pray but to enter into spiritual warfare where you fight against the forces of evil. This should be done on a daily basis.

Spiritual Warfare Personal shows how I apply these principles to my life. Spiritual Warfare General shows how anyone can apply these principles to their lives. I use these almost daily.

                                                                                         KIDNEY DISEASE

Some medical terms for this disease for you to research are glomerulonephritis, kidney and nephritis. Renal means kidney. There are a list of names pertaining to symptoms of disease in each category.


Diabetes is called autoimmune disease, hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus. The spiritual root behind diabetes: extreme rejection and self-hatred coupled with guilt. There is direct rejection by a father and sometimes, a husband, or a man in general. Fear, anxiety and stress is a root cause and the unloving spirit that allows self-hatred, self-rejection and guilt. Fear can be inherited. Scripture: Eze. 18:17, Exe. 20:4-5.

                                                                                 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

It is caused by fear and anxiety. High blood pressure is hypertension caused by fear, anxiety and stress. Scripture: II Tim. 1:7.

                                                                            PLEASANT VALLEY CHURCH

A letter from the church stated, We are still learning, but so far our experience with kidney failure is that the spiritual dynamics behind it can be rejection, self-rejection, envy, bitterness, fear, and a spirit of death, hell and destruction. These are some areas you might want to explore.

Pleasant Valley Publications has some books and tapes that are recommended for purchase. The church also conducts training and seminars.

                                                                          SPIRITUAL ROOTS OF DISEASE

GOD has shown Pastor Henry Wright of Pleasant Valley Church about spiritual roots of disease. If there is a spiritual root to the disease, the person can not be healed but has to be delivered. The sin that opened the door to the disease must be dealt with first. This is either the sins of the ancestors, someone who had spiritual authority over the person, the person or some combination of these open doors to disease.

                                                                  WELLSPRING MINISTRIES OF ALASKA

I  had a telephone discussion with Art Mathias, author of Biblical Foundations of Freedom. He stated that kidney failure may be from many different causes; he had nothing specific. He suggested working through his book and also the book, A More Excellent Way. Start with bitterness which is an open door to diseases such as cancer and arthritis. Bitterness is a strong demon, a principality.

                                                                                        OTHER DISEASES

                                                                           (The Continuing Works of Christ)

Cardiovascular System, Coronary Artery Disease: The Bible says, In the last days men's hearts shall fail them because of fear (Luke 21:26).

Hypertension: High Blood Pressure. Fear and anxiety is the root for high blood pressure. The Bible and medical science agree. What we teach is not opposed to medical science. In fact, what I see in the Bible only proves medical science and medical science only proves the Bible.

Stroke and Aneurysms: Strokes and aneurysms are the result of rage and anger, but behind the rage and anger is also fear. Do you know why people go into rage and anger? First of all, they have a root of bitterness. They are really afraid to deal with issues. Rather than being confronted on an issue and having to deal with it, they just blow up because that is their defensive mechanism. They don't want to be confronted on an issue because they are afraid of men and they are afraid of rejection.

Disturbances of Heart Rhythm: Such things as rhythmic problems. Irregular heart beat and Mitral Valve Prolapse are the result of anxiety and stress.

Muscles and Tension Headaches: We rub the back of our necks when we are under stress and tension to relieve the pain. Why not turn to God and deal with the fear and anxiety?

Muscle Contraction Backache: Again anxiety and stress is the issue. I have witnessed many healings when people have repented of the lack of faith in God and then learned to trust Him.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: There is a direct relationship between the tremendous stress of self-hatred and all automimmune disease. The person is afraid of themselves. They just don't want to face themselves. Out of that come self-hatred, out of that comes the guilt, out of that comes the conflict that causes the white corpuscles to attack the connective material of the bones, and eat at it, and produce rheumatoid arthritis.

Pulmonary System: Asthma and Hay Fever. John Hopkins University is now teaching that Hay Fever and Asthma are not caused by air born allergens. It has nothing to do with breathing, dander, dust, pollen, etc. Anxiety and fear cause it. It can be inherited, but it's coming out of deep-rooted anxiety and fear. I have proved this many times over.

Immune System: Immunosuppression or Immune Deficiency and Autoimmune Disease: Over secretion of cortisol and catecholamines destroy the immune system, and the result is autoimmune diseases. The Hypothalamus controls over 23 hormones including these two. Autoimmune diseases occur when the white corpuscles attacks living flesh and destroy it. Lupus, Crones, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and MS are examples.

We have learned that the body attacks the body as a person attacks themselves spiritually in self-rejection, self-hatred, and self-bitterness. The body agrees with the mind and starts attacking itself. That is a high price to pay for not loving yourself.

Gastrointestinal System: Ulcers. For years the medical community believed that stress and anxiety caused an irritation in the stomach, which eventually caused the ulceration. Recently they have begun to prescribe antibiotics are are telling us that a bacteria or viruses cause ulcers.

People who have ulcers also have compromised immune systems because of the anxiety and stress. When you have a compromised immune system, you don't have the ability to defeat bacteria and viruses. The fear and anxiety come first and the bacteria and viruses show up after the immune system is compromised.

There are a number of gastrointestinal problems that are caused by anxiety and stress. They include Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and ulcerated colitis.

Every single malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is caused by anxiety and stress. The peace of God in your heart regarding issues in your life is the cure. (With the exception of Crones disease, which is an autoimmune disease.)

Genital Urinary System: Diuresis, Impotence, and Frigidity are caused by anxiety and fear.

Skin: Eczema, Acne, Dermatitis: Adolescent acne is caused by fear coming from peer pressure. It is not a genetic or biologic problem by itself, but in most cases the kids are afraid of other kids. That level of fear and anxiety triggers increased histamine secretion. It also increases white corpuscle activity in the epidermis thus causing acne.

Endocrine System: Diabetes and Amenorrhea

Central Nervous System: Fatigue and lethargy, Type A behavior, overeating, depression, and insomnia are all cause by fear and anxiety and stress.

                                                                                     PASTOR RON TIFFIN

I had a telephone discussion with Pastor Ron Tiffin of British Columbia, Canada concerning the healing of chronic kidney disease of various people that the church has ministered to; they had amazing success. God showed him that kidneys are mentioned as reins in THE BIBLE. The deep roots are jealousy, envy and rejection which must be overcome.

You are set free by THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE which is an ongoing process of learning: line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here a little there. The person must be taught THE TRUTH OF GOD, ministered what was taught and prayed for. John The Baptist said to clear the pathway for JESUS CHRIST. As we follow the pathway to GOD, we rectify sins and clean up our lives opening the pathway for healing. Through the teaching of THE WORD OF GOD, a person needs to know how they got into trouble and how they got out of trouble, or they will go back into trouble.

You must turn to GOD rather than man. THE BIBLE IS first and foremost rather than men's books which are to only be used as support for THE BIBLE. You must agree with THE TRUTH OF GOD and receive it into your heart.

You need to believe that you are accepted, loved and worthy. Every person needs individual ministry. You can not heal a broken heart; it must be mended by a father's love either by GOD or man. This could be a pastor or minister  with the heart of the Father.

There is tremendous turmoil and need in THE BODY OF CHRIST JESUS. Many times it is father or mother who didn't do their parenting properly and the person has turned against them in some way. There can be denominational bondage due to false teaching. There are generational curses, abuses in the family line, racism, and other means that opens the person's spiritual armor to penetration by diseases and demons.

The person needs to recount their problems to the minister. This is the spiritual profile of the individual who must be brutally honest.

                                                                                         VICTORIA WEBB


I had a telephone discussion with Victoria Webb of British Columbia, Canada who had a healing of her kidneys. She used the methods of her church and Pleasant Valley Church along with THE HOLY SPIRIT teaching her. Kidney disease is like a planter wart with many spiritual roots. This is a delicate and difficult matter. She received a Miracle of Mercy.

                                                                                            Positive Actions

Positive things to do are: line up with GOD in repentance, live up to GOD's WORD, walk in resurrection life, die to self, live for Him, agree with THE WORD, exercise the power of prayer,  control your reins, read scripture and pray. Get the elders of the church to anoint with oil, lay hands on the sick, have the church to pray for healing and receive beauty for ashes.

                                                                                           Negative Actions

Negative things not to do are: make a bitter-root judgment, speak death, don't love self, blame GOD, be angry with GOD, think and talk death, and make a covenant with death.

                                                                                            Effect of Others

You can be affected by your family or others who have spiritual authority over you: generational curses and curses in immediate family; family alienation, strife, bitterness and bad blood; mental and emotional abuse; medical diagnosis speaking a curse; living in a death world; and betrayal, abuse and lying.

                                                                                          Names of Demons

She mentioned the following which can be used for names of demons: root of bitterness, kidney stone, cancer, nephritis, unforgiveness, deep hurt, self-hatred, rejection, bitterness, destruction, high blood pressure, fear, trauma, heart disease, broken spirit, unloving spirit, murderous rage, anger, guilt about bondage, rebellion, witchcraft, black magic, hypertension, broken heart, and other related ailments. Assume the names of what is wrong with the person are the names of demons.

                                                                                  MEDICAL DICTIONARY

A handy tool to use in deliverance is a medical dictionary. You can look up the name of the disease and its symptoms. Use the name as the ruler demon and the symptoms as the lesser demons. Think of it as a family with a head and members of that family. This method has proved successful in some instances.

                                                                   NEPHROLOY FAMILIES OF DISEASES

Kidney failure has certain families of diseases. Consider these families because they have different symptoms in each grouping. These come under the category of nephrology. The following are conditions: acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerular, hypertension nephrosclerosis, nephritis, acute interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis, chronic renal failure, diabetic nephropathy, hematuria, ischemic nephropathy, kidney stones, nephrotic syndrome, polycystic kidney disease, proteinuria and microalbuminuria, renal artery stenosis and renal vascular hypertension.

The kidneys can be affected by high blood pressure and diabetes which destroy the nephrons in the kidney and cause fluids to be retained in the heart. Other families that need to be considered are hypertension and diabetes.

                                                                                            WORK BOOKS

THE BIBLE is your main book. You have to study the whole BIBLE for mental, physical, spiritual and material health. It is recommended that you work your way through the books, A More Excellent Way, Biblical Foundations of Freedom, and Deliverance Manual. Healing and deliverance go hand-in-hand together; they compliment each other. You can be healed by deliverance, divine healing or a combination of both. Completely read the books and follow the instructions. The time spent is worthwhile if you want to be delivered and healed. It may be the only way to rid yourself of disease because these are complex areas and humans are complex beings.


I recommend the purchase of the books from Pleasant Valley Publications, at least one medical dictionary and the Deliverance Manual.

A More Excellent Way  (I Corinthians 12:31 - A Teaching on the Spiritual Roots of Disease - The Ministry of Pastor Henry Wright), Pleasant Valley Publications, A Division of Pleasant Valley Church, Inc., Thomaston, GA 30286

Biblical Foundations of Freedom (Destroying Satan's Lies with God's Truth) by Art Mathias, Pleasant Valley Publications

Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, F.A. Davis Company

PDR Medical Dictionary, Medical Economics

Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words by W.E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger and William White, Jr.

The New Unger's Bible Dictionary by Merrill F. Unger

The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible by James Strong

Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody. Also Spiritual Warfare Manual, How To Do Deliverance Manual, Sexual Deliverance Manual, Witchcraft Deliverance Manual, Curses Deliverance Manual and Healing Deliverance Manual are additions to the Deliverance Manual which may assist you in being delivered and healed.

The Father's Blessing - Imparting The Blessings Of God To Your Children by Frank D. Hammond

The Continuing Works of Christ by Art Mathias, Wellspring Ministries of Alaska, Anchorage, AK

Source: http://www.moodymanual.demonbuster.com/healingf.html




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