A day of wondrous worship and spiritual transformation! For those that worshipped at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria and viewers of Emmanuel TV all over the world, no words probably could describe last Sunday service better. The service left the congregants with spiritual fulfilment and rebirth that will reshape their belief irrespective of their situations. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, walked into the auditorium with one edifying message: "In the past, you walked in darkness but now, you have the light of God." The words re-echoed with more transformative power, a message delivered earlier by Evangelist Yinka who called on people not to be short-sighted by their situations, but look beyond.
Prophet T.B. Joshua said: "When one is adopted by the Holy Ghost, he has access to Jesus Christ of Nazareth and as such, should not listen to one's situation to act out of character." God's Word, he said, "is the final authority." He enthused: "No matter the situation you are facing, God's Word settles all questions. God's Word is the final authority settling all matters confronting us. Don't listen to your situation or challenges, to act out of character. Let the weak say I am strong. 'All ye that labour, I will give you rest', that is God's Word."
Prophet T. B. Joshua
He further stated: "If you truly serve God in truth and faith, whatever situation you are facing is to prepare you. That you are serving God in truth and faith, however, does not mean you will not face challenges. It was in the midst of challenges that Jesus found me, took me and is using me today. Let your heart be fixed and established on the living Word of God. The matter is settled. When Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead, He went on the Cross for you and died for you so that you could live for Him."
The man of God then prophesied to nations hinting on impending socio-and economic crises on the African continent. He also prophesied to the congregation, exposing hidden truths that chained people's lives to satan so he can manipulate them and destroy their destinies. The sick were prayed for and declared healed in Jesus' name while the afflicted were also released from their diverse bondages.
Earlier on, Evangelist Yinka delivered a strong and edifying message titled: See Beyond Your Situation. She opened the eyes of the congregants to the truth of the transformative power of Jesus Christ and told them not to be blinded by tribulations but to realize that in every situation, God is saying something. Her proof text was from James 1:2-4; 12.
"When God is executing His plans in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which will continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed in our lives. Those events could be trial, persecution, sickness or humiliation. Remember, God oftentimes visits His people in hard times so that they may learn His way," she said adding, "In
Genesis 39, when Joseph found himself in prison, the Bible says, he did not allow the prison condition to overwhelm him. He knew that for him to be the source of freedom to his people, he had to taste imprisonment."

She said those who see beyond their immediate situation do not despair in the face of seeming disappointment. Also referring to the book of Daniel 6, she said God arranged the events of Daniel in exile when he was faced with the reality of life.
"A captive, a slave who was supposed to be seen and not to be heard, Daniel was condemned to die in a den of hungry lions, but he looked at his situation by faith and he saw redemption, he saw freedom and God shut the mouth of the lions. When you see beyond your pain, God will manifest to you the benefit of His great salvation. No matter the situation, always remember that when we accept adversity, enduring every pain, then we would learn what we should know; our grief will turn to gain," she said.
By God's grace, scores of people from all over the world, came to share their testimonies over what the Lord had done in their lives. Here are but a selected few. Be blessed as you read on:
Nine miscarriages in six years! That was the traumatizing situation Mr Kingsley Clinton and his wife, Faith, faced that they could not believe they would ever have children to call their own. The doctors they visited could not say what was responsible for the problem. After exhausting all their finances looking for an answer and almost losing all hope, they decided to come to The SCOAN for prayers where they were blessed with the Anointing Water. They had always listened to testimonies of people who had once been in their situation.
Mr & Mrs Kingsley Clinton
Now with the Anointing Water in their hands, they prayed with it and ministered it on their bodies, asking Jesus to remove their shame from them. One month later, Mrs Clinton conceived. The purpose for their coming on Sunday was to testify that the mother-to-be is now eight months pregnant, a feat they had never experienced in their life before the use of the Anointing Water. They thanked God for the miracle He had performed in their lives.
Pastor George from the USA testified of how the devil toyed with his life by chaining him to pornography. He was introduced to the ungodly behaviour in 1985 by a friend and it enslaved him for many years. In 2003, he gave his life to Christ but the problem became so bad that on his honeymoon following his wedding, he preoccupied his time watching pornography on television. He said his addiction to the illicit videos affected his ministry and his marriage to the point that he almost lost both. He went to many pastors and churches, prayed and fasted but the devil's padlock remained intact. His wife would catch him watching pornography on his iPad at night while they were in bed. She caught him a few times watching it but he would argue that he was watching something else.
Pastor George
One day, he had a dream in which he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua, whom he had never met before. He told him that all he needed to be delivered was to have faith. Two weeks later, his wife came across a video of Prophet T.B. Joshua on YouTube and asked him if he had ever heard of this pastor before. He said he had never seen him but recognized him from the dream he had a few weeks earlier. He considered this to be a revelation from God, that his solution was at The SCOAN. He came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. He would minister it every morning and night on himself, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then, one day, he realized that he no longer had the urge to watch pornography.
"I became a man again, a husband again; I was whole again", he exclaimed joyfully to the glory of God.
His wife also testified to his complete deliverance from this pornographic addiction, saying they now talk more and everything about their relationship has improved.
Chief Chima Choice Nwadike, a Nigerian living in South Africa was facing many challenges in his life. Among his many problems was the struggle to finish his house and he eventually gave up. His financial challenges were so serious that he could not even pay his children's school fees. He had to borrow money from his parents for his children to go to university. His frustrations in life were made worse with the name-calling he was getting for failing to finish his house in the village for 25 years.
Chief Chima Nwadike
He decided to relocate to South Africa in search of a better life. In due course, he started watching Emmanuel TV at his friend's shop. He was amazed at the messages and wonders God was performing through The SCOAN. He could not help but install the cable for Emmanuel TV in his house. He eventually came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. He went straight to his abandoned home and ministered it on the ruins before he flew back to his base in South Africa. Favour fell on him and his business started picking up. With the booming business, he has been able to complete the house he could not for the past 25 years. The house is fully furnished and he no longer faces financial difficulties.
"I am not just a millionaire but a multimillionaire," he beamed and showed pictures of the fully furnished house standing elegant, to the glory of God.
Mr and Mrs Chukwudi Edeh came from South Africa to give testimony of how God had blessed them with a baby after years of barrenness. Mrs Edeh was suffering from what is known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. This deprived the couple from having a baby. They visited many hospitals, looking for solution. All doctors could do was diagnose the problem and give them different treatments which never led to pregnancy. They would attend baby showers of other couples of their age but the joy never manifested in their own domain! They were so devastated and humiliated. One day, they discovered Emmanuel TV on YouTube and concluded that the solution was in God's hands at The SCOAN. They came and received the Anointing Water.
Mr & Mrs Chukwudi Edeh
They went back to South Africa and began ministering and praying together on a daily basis. On one of Mrs Edeh's routine check-ups at the doctor's office, she did a pregnancy test and it came out positive. On Sunday, they came holding the baby boy in their hands whom they have christened, 'Emmanuel', in honour to God for the miracle baby He has blessed them with.
They advised, "Don't just spray the Anointing Water but pray because it is the power of God in the Anointing Water that brings about the miracles."
Model, actress and beauty salon owner, South African Tshidi Mphaki, had the problem of career failure and disappointment. She used to get many jobs as a model and actress but for seven years, things stopped working for her. She would go to many castings but would not be offered a job. Someone else would be cast for the role.
Tshidi Maphaki
She came to The SCOAN and was blessed with a bottle of the Anointing Water which she took home and began to minister in Jesus' name. Soon, she received a call from one of her casting agents. Before she went for the interview, she prayed and anointed herself with the Anointing Water in Jesus' name. The following day, she was offered the role. Not long after, she was given two more jobs. Now every other area of her life has taken a positive swing. Praise God!
Elsie Johnson from Switzerland received a prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua that she was having the spirit of suicide and that he saw her writing a suicide note. In confirmation of the prophecy, she said that she had had the spirit of suicide for the past 20 years and had turned her back on God thinking that He had abandoned her.
Elsie Johnson
She also confirmed that the letter she was writing was to her mother telling her that she was going to commit suicide but something stopped her and she never finished the letter. After the prophecy given to her by Prophet T.B. Joshua, she was delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. She no longer has the thoughts of suicide but complete peace of mind and is convinced beyond reasonable doubt that God loves her. Hallelujah!
Viewers of Emmanuel TV and worshippers at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria should be familiar with the controversial issue of the witch doctor who was prophesied to early last month concerning a deadly evil covenant with his wife young enough to be his daughter if not granddaughter.
Chief and Mrs Adeola Adeyemo indeed came to The SCOAN early last month. While seated, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, approached the 80 year-old man and told him, "You are a witch doctor". Although he tried to refuse, he eventually confessed and it turned out that he was a 'General' of his trade in his own right. It turned out that his marriage with his 35 year-old wife was full of controversy.
Mr & Mrs Adeyemo
Not only that, it turned out that the former witch doctor had used his powers to evoke a covenant that would keep the two together in life and death; that after one had died, the other would follow immediately. The mindboggling confession shocked the congregation and viewers.
The man of God prophesied that the woman had three cowries inside her, which were part of the covenant and that the aged witch doctor had his own inside his body too which were invoked inside them through charms and not by physically swallowing them.
Three weeks ago, during mass prayer ministered by Prophet T.B. Joshua, it all unfolded before the viewers' own eyes as the woman vomited two cowries in a pool of blood. These, the man of God said, were the foretold charms Mr Adeyemo had evoked into his wife to chain her to him. He said the remaining one would still come out. Indeed, it did during the subsequent mass prayers to the astonishment of the viewers!
Last Sunday, the young woman came in alongside her aged husband to show the three cowries she had vomited and how light and happy she had been since then. She said the night following her deliverance, she had a dream of masquerades which, previously before her deliverance, had always tormented her in nightmares by making her sing and dance with them. But this time around, when she was about to start singing for and dancing with them, she saw herself shouting 'Emmanuel!' Immediately, a bright fire came and lifted her up out of the midst of the masquerades. The masquerades died there and then. Since then, she said that she no longer has those nightmares and has been sleeping soundly.
Mr Adeola Adeyemo told the congregation he was happy for his wife and prayed that the grace that had visited his wife would also visit him so that he could vomit out his own evil cowries. He did not have to wait long. No sooner than the man of God ministered mass prayer, the former witch doctor bent into two and vomited his three cowries. The couple is now delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has set them free. When God sets one free, he is free indeed!
A spiritually electrifying Sunday Service that started 7:00am and lasted 'til 10:30pm full of exciting and joyful spiritual activities, ended with another mass prayer where hidden demonic activities were fished out and a final blessing was imparted upon worshippers and viewers all over the world. Keep watching Emmanuel TV and stay blessed!
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